Free Download Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180)

Free download Grand Theft Auto V (Windows 10), 71.6 GB, High speed link with Google Drive, Gofile... One of the first versions of GTA 5 🔗🟢

Free download Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) (Windows 10), 71.6 GB, High speed link with Google Drive, Gofile... One of the first versions of GTA 5 🔗🟢


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Download Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10
Download Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10


Grand Theft Auto V is a 2013 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the seventh main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, following 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV, and the fifteenth instalment overall. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, the single-player story follows three protagonists—retired bank robber Michael De Santa, street gangster Franklin Clinton, and drug dealer and gunrunner Trevor Philips—and their attempts to commit heists while under pressure from a corrupt government agency and powerful criminals. The open world design lets players freely roam San Andreas' open countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles.


Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10 Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10 Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10 Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10 Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10 Grand Theft Auto V (v1.0.1180) for Windows 10




  • OS: Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
  • Storage: 72 GB available space
  • DirectX:


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  • Zip: 71,6 GB
  • Unzip: 71,6 GB


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Download links:

Grand_Theft_Auto_V_VKGAME.part*.rar Google Drive


How to download?

In the "DOWNLOAD:" section, find "Download links:", then click on the cloud download button.

If you get stuck, read this: Here

How to use?

Step 1: Extract .rar file by WinRAR software

Step 2: Open the file "VKGAME", it is "VKGAME.txt", read and follow the instructions

Step 3: Enjoy!, most games are pre-installed, just unzip and run .exe file.

Does it have a virus?

Although we cannot guarantee 100%, we use installation files from trusted sources.

We definitely don't add viruses to our files, always keep Windows Defender antivirus on

Can it run on Windows 10/11?

All the games on this site work on Windows 10, which is why this site was created.

Not sure about Windows 11, but don't worry, it's not too different, so it might still work.

Where can I ask for support?

You can ask questions on this website by leaving a comment, or contact me via Facebook message: Here


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  1. Great!!
  2. Từ lúc biết đến trang này ngày nào mình cũng vào để xem admin có up game gì mới không. Tải game ở đây link chuẩn về cài đặt game nào cũng chạy ngon và không bị lỗi như một số trang khác. Cảm ơn admin nhiều và chúc ad có thật nhiều sức khỏe và may mắn trong cuộc sống.
    1. Gửi lời cảm ơn tới bạn, rất vui vì VKGAMESTORE đã đem lại trải nghiệm tốt cho bạn, đây là động lực để VKGAMESTORE ngày càng hoàn thiện hơn về chất lượng, đúng với tôn chỉ: Hoạt động vì cộng đồng!. Chúc bạn một ngày tốt lành.
  3. Xong hết 12 file thì vào game được 1 phút rồi văng ra. Nó đã như thế này nhiều lần. Làm thế nào để sửa chữa nó xin vui lòng.
    1. Make sure:
      1, Installed Visual C++:
      2, Installed DirectX:
      3, The name of the folder containing the game, no special language (eg "Trò chơi - its mean is game" is not okay; "Game" is okay)
      4, Meet the minimum system requirements
      5, Preferably max Windows version 10, not sure about the ability to work on Windows 11
  4. Trang tải game nào chơi cũng được hết á, cảm ơn Admin nhiều và chúc thật nhiều sức khoẻ để cho ra nhiều game hay cho cộng đồng game thủ việt
    1. Cảm ơn bạn đã để lại lời khen, mình sẽ cố gắng hoàn thiện trang web hơn
  5. Grand theft auto 5 extracting currapted error problem
    1. download all 15 parts
      Put the files in the same folder
      unzip with WinRAR software
    2. cài sao vậy ad
    3. Bạn sử dụng phần mềm WinRAR (, chuột phải vào file bất kì mà bạn đã tải về (15 file, 71gb), sau đó chọn "Extract to...." hoặc "Giải nén....", đợi quá trình giải nén hoàn tất, sau đó chạy tệp exe của game và tận hưởng (nhớ đọc file VKGAME.txt).
  6. Bro can you give us latest v1.0.3411/1.70 version 2024 edition in a compressed size you will find that in Fitgirl but the problem is when we install Fitgirl version it turns into 100 gb +
    1. For large-sized games like GTA V, we prioritize uploading the final version to save time and cloud storage space.

      Currently, GTA V is not truly final, and 100GB is quite large, so it's difficult to say when I will update the game.

      If you notice, most of the compressed files on this website are merely repackaged and split into smaller parts for easier downloading. The downside is that the compressed file size remains large since it hasn’t been truly compressed. The advantage is that extraction is fast and doesn’t consume much system performance (your system won’t lag or stutter during extraction).
    2. This is the last update of 2024 and in 2025 gta 6 will come so I guess this is the final version of gta 5
    3. Brother at first take my cordial love. Thanks for giving us this game for free. I just wanna know something. Is it the full version? I meant to say if you removed any mission or any part something or it's just compressed and everything is same nothing removed
    4. I just repackaged it, the game is 70GB in size because it's the first version (complete story content), later versions have more upgraded graphics/textures/content packs for online mode, so the size has gradually increased to over 100GB. If you only care about the story of the game, this version is enough
  7. Error link please update
    1. Thanks for reporting, link has been fixed!
  8. well bro , just for the sake of convenience i would like to ask
    why you replace download from google drive to gofiles??

    1. Thank you for your question. Regarding the download link, it tends to shift to Gofile due to its convenience. The monthly download limit is 1TB, and there is no storage limit for uploaders. Overall, the download speed is also very good. As for Google Drive, I am currently using 15GB accounts for storage. To store large games, I need to use many Google accounts, so the Google Drive links will be quite limited and are running out. Uploading to Google Drive is also very time-consuming (logging into accounts, uploading, registering new accounts...). Personally, I'm busier lately, so I’ve been less inclined to upload files to Google Drive. But don't worry, the goal is to have all the games stored on Google Drive, Gofile, and other links to provide more options and reduce the heavy traffic on Google Drive (GTA V GG Drive has reached its download limit, so I added Gofile, and everything is fine now).
    2. By the way, I’d like to ask, is the download speed from Gofile stable in your country? Is it slow?
    3. Well thanks for responding
      i live in India , a bit far from city side
      speed is very stable between 3 to 3.5 mbps
      i belivie it would be more stable in city
    4. With Google Drive, how much speed can you get, is it better?
    5. Nahh speed is kinda same
      stick with gofile , its no bad
    6. Thanks for sharing the information.
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