DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)


Download DirectX End-User Runtimes for free
Download DirectX End-User Runtimes for free


Microsoft DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) for handling tasks related to multimedia, especially game programming and video, on Microsoft platforms. Originally, the names of these APIs all began with "Direct", such as Direct3D, DirectDraw, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, DirectSound, and so forth. The name DirectX was coined as a shorthand term for all of these APIs (the X standing in for the particular API names) and soon became the name of the collection.

When Microsoft later set out to develop a gaming console, the X was used as the basis of the name Xbox to indicate that the console was based on DirectX technology.[2] The X initial has been carried forward in the naming of APIs designed for the Xbox such as XInput and the Cross-platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT), while the DirectX pattern has been continued for Windows APIs such as Direct2D and DirectWrite.



DirectX_VKGAME.rar MediaFire


How to download?

In the "DOWNLOAD:" section, find "Download links:", then click on the cloud download button.

If you get stuck, read this: Here

How to use?

Step 1: Extract .rar file by WinRAR software

Step 2: Open the file "VKGAME", it is "VKGAME.txt", read and follow the instructions

Step 3: Enjoy!, most games are pre-installed, just unzip and run .exe file.

Does it have a virus?

Although we cannot guarantee 100%, we use installation files from trusted sources.

We definitely don't add viruses to our files, always keep Windows Defender antivirus on

Can it run on Windows 10/11?

All the games on this site work on Windows 10, which is why this site was created.

Not sure about Windows 11, but don't worry, it's not too different, so it might still work.

Where can I ask for support?

You can ask questions on this website by leaving a comment, or contact me via Facebook message: Here


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  1. something went wrong i can't opened the game fix please
    when im trying to open the game it keep crash me
    1. What name of the game you got the error? Is there any visible in your computer screen?
    2. resident evil 2 remake, no theres nothing visible when i launch the game it will black screen and in a couple of seconds it will crash me
      sorry for commenting in a wrong web
    3. A black screen can be a sign that the game is working, it can take a few seconds to 1 minute depending on your computer configuration, it can also crash if your machine does not meet the system requirements, I am not sure about that. Can you tell me about your computer system (RAM, VRAM, CPU,.....)
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